Orange To Navy: A Questionably Boring Phenomena

Well this is going to be long. And ridiculously uneventful.

Have you ever watched a Wes Anderson film? I love his films. You should watch it sometimes.

Oh, you think I'm too talkative? Alright. I won't utter a single word anymore.

Ha! I fooled you. You have no power over me, haha! I'm just HTML CSS code and I literally have no decision over what the creator of this webpage wants me to say.

Okay, but, seriously. Check out some of his films. "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" is a goodie.

Don't be shy, and check out his stop-motion films too. His most recent one being "Isle of Dogs," the backgrounds they created are so freaking good1

You're probably tired by now. So let's change the subject. Ever tried shakshuka?

It's a bowl of tomatoes and eggs, and you top it with greens or ricotta cheese. Oh, you're allergic to tomatoes? Well, at least I know that you have a vulerability i

Well, it seems we're nearing the end.
