In the company of Irge and Redeis, he feels free to laugh and reminisce about humorous memories. In the company of strangers, he may come off as cold or disdainful.
He dislikes inconsistency and recklessness. He cannot be roped into a plan with no plan. He carries through his day in a orderly fashion and prefers to be prepared for any potential situation.
Lung dragons consider themselves to be superior than their winged kin. They ride the high tides and climb karsts with ease, and most importantly, they were blesssed with the gift to retain the ability of flight, no wings necessary. However, Maruj can be considered as a pariah to most lung dragons, scorned and shunned for harboring a generational curse. He possesses the unsightly tail of a fish, and is bound to the soil for all eternity, fated to never take to the skies.
Not only does his fish-like aspects ward away most draconic fellows, but he is veiled in cloud of incense smoke, which is unlike most lung dragons, clothed with an ethereal veil, similar to spring vapor. Unfortunately his curse stripped away most of his unearthliness along with his flight. In an attempt to imitate, his fur is lined with incense sticks. Unfortunately, this simply drives most to run from him, due to overpowering and suffocating scent. It seems that it does not irritate him.
While he enjoys the solitude that the wayfarer life provides him, he still loves to be around his cockatrice confidante, Irge, and his lindwurm companion, Redeis.
- His aloof and distant nature and lack of conviction inhibits him from fufilling his folklorist duties, and to mention it would easily upset him.
- While he fosters some spite and resent towards his own kind, he still upholds his culture's customs, rites, values, and responsibilities of being a lung dragon. This includes "guiding" bodies of water back to the sea, carving salt from stone, and more.
Irge helped Maruj hide in her home whilst he was hunted down by other lung dragons who believed he had brought upon drought on their rivers. He was taken aback yet touched by the plucky and witty cockatrice. Maruj occasionally drops by to help Irge forage and harvest, or to share black sesame seed cakes over a cup of barberry tea.
The haughty and ruffian juvenile Lindwurm had challenged Maruj to spar. Of course, Maruj had given in, knowing there would be no harm inflicted to himself, since the Lindwurm was scrawny and petite. They are good friends, albeit Redeis will get bored and frustrated with Maruj's tales. They often go down to streams, lakes, and coastlines to scavenge shiny trinkets.
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